Wednesday, May 25, 2011

greatly amused

It's time for yet another peek into what I am thinking today.  I am greatly amused by several things at the moment.  Here are a few:
  • Caleb just asked me if he could watch The Backyardigans:  Mission to "Menards"  (It's really Mission to Mars)
  • I went to a playdate this morning where Micah sat down in a drawer of Legos and played.
  • At this very playdate, a friend shared an amusing anecdote about a squirrel.
  • Caleb keeps telling me that with each birthday celebration he has, he turns a year older.  He'll be 10 instead of 5 within a few days.
I guess you could say that right now I love my life, and with two little boys, it will probably only get more amusing by the minute.