Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Blog Your Heart

Well, after a little over a year, I have decided that it is time to get back to blogging.  I read Stephanie Howell's blog yesterday morning and it encouraged me to blog what was currently on my heart, so here goes:

1.  I am, for the most part, really enjoying my kids right now.  Being a stay-at-home-mom is a difficult job, but they have been making it so worth while.  Today, after Caleb refused to do his homework, I stopped him and asked him what was going on (he usually does his work without complaining).  He said that he had a hard day, and came over and gave me a big hug.  I just held him for a few minutes and rubbed his back while he let it all out.  I was so thankful we could get right to the heart of the problem and not just argue about silly things like homework.

2.  I am doing a ladies' Bible study at my church right now called, "Enhancing Your Marriage".  I am really excited about it!  It has been very in-depth so far.  I know I am going to come out of this Bible study having learned a thing or two!

3.  We have had ridiculously cold temperatures here, and I have a declaration to make:  I hate winter.  For those of you who know me well, this may surprise you.  I usually enjoy winter because it is the only time of year I am not warm, but not this year baby!  I'm done being freezing cold all the time!

4.  Our Life Group is starting a Bible study on peace.  You may think all I ever do is sit around and do Bible studies.  Anyway, it promises to be a good one.

5.  Mark and I redid my scrapbooking space!!  I will post pictures of the before and after in my next post.  It is absolutely wonderful and beautiful, and I have already finished 7 layouts in two days.  :)

6.  My mom is coming for a visit tomorrow.  She recently celebrated a landmark birthday, and I can't wait to celebrate with her a little bit!

7.  My dear friend is moving 2,000 miles away.  Sigh.  I don't know what I'm going to do without her.

Hmmm... I think that is all for now.  Thanks for letting me share what is currently on my heart.  I hope to be back soon with some pictures of scrapbook layouts.  Stay tuned!