Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Scrapbook share

Since completing my new scrap space, I have been pretty much scrapping and crafting non-stop.  It is just so nice to have everything organized and accessible - and to not be living out of my tote anymore.  Also, being organized just makes me feel more creative in general.  So, here are a few pages I've been working on:

On this page, I enjoyed using a feather for the first time on one of my layouts.  I also found the perfect spot for the acrylic dragonfly that I have been holding onto for several years.  

For this page, I pulled out an old piece of Sassafras Lass paper - my very last sheet.  I kept it really simple with some washi tape, a mistable border, and some glitter Thickers.

This was our official Christmas card for this past year.  Again, I kept it pretty simple.  I used a couple pieces of washi tape and some wood veneer stars from Basic Grey's most recent Christmas collection.

This page was fun to do for two reasons:  first of all, it was fun to capture my daughter's ridiculous tantrums on Christmas morning.  Second, I loved the heart that I filled with buttons.  It was part of the packaging on some buttons I bought from the Target dollar section.

My favorite part of this page was using the wood grain paper that was made by Basic Grey for Studio Calico.  I still have some scraps that I will be hoarding.

And finally, a cute shot of my kids while we were having Christmas with my side of the family.  The ornaments are from Basic Grey's latest Christmas collection.

Thanks for stopping by to look at my creations!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Scrapbook space

Ladies and gentlemen, drumroll please...

Here is my new scrapbooking/crafting corner!

As you can tell, I'm pretty excited about my little corner of our house!  I finally decided to stop living out of my scrapbooking tote.  It was so heavy and jam-packed with stuff that I could barely lift it anyway.  I usually throw together a kit of some sort now when I go scrapbook elsewhere.  That way I just have one small bag to carry with me.

I basically tricked out my space with one visit to Ikea.  I fell in love with the Raskog cart first, and it went from there.  I knew I wanted two shelves on the wall for my more decorative items, and I also needed some little containers to hold pens and adhesives and such.  I spent some time searching the IKEA website ahead of time because I knew I would be shopping with children.  It's always hard to make decisions when my children are clamoring for attention and begging to go to Children's Ikea.

Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of the "before".  It is on my Ipad, and it refuses to be transferred to this blog.  Just imagine nothing on the walls, and a bunch of stuff on the desk - oh, and an overflowing tote.

Thanks for checking out my space!  I've created about ten scrapbook layouts since I finished it.  I'll be sharing some soon.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Blog Your Heart

Well, after a little over a year, I have decided that it is time to get back to blogging.  I read Stephanie Howell's blog yesterday morning and it encouraged me to blog what was currently on my heart, so here goes:

1.  I am, for the most part, really enjoying my kids right now.  Being a stay-at-home-mom is a difficult job, but they have been making it so worth while.  Today, after Caleb refused to do his homework, I stopped him and asked him what was going on (he usually does his work without complaining).  He said that he had a hard day, and came over and gave me a big hug.  I just held him for a few minutes and rubbed his back while he let it all out.  I was so thankful we could get right to the heart of the problem and not just argue about silly things like homework.

2.  I am doing a ladies' Bible study at my church right now called, "Enhancing Your Marriage".  I am really excited about it!  It has been very in-depth so far.  I know I am going to come out of this Bible study having learned a thing or two!

3.  We have had ridiculously cold temperatures here, and I have a declaration to make:  I hate winter.  For those of you who know me well, this may surprise you.  I usually enjoy winter because it is the only time of year I am not warm, but not this year baby!  I'm done being freezing cold all the time!

4.  Our Life Group is starting a Bible study on peace.  You may think all I ever do is sit around and do Bible studies.  Anyway, it promises to be a good one.

5.  Mark and I redid my scrapbooking space!!  I will post pictures of the before and after in my next post.  It is absolutely wonderful and beautiful, and I have already finished 7 layouts in two days.  :)

6.  My mom is coming for a visit tomorrow.  She recently celebrated a landmark birthday, and I can't wait to celebrate with her a little bit!

7.  My dear friend is moving 2,000 miles away.  Sigh.  I don't know what I'm going to do without her.

Hmmm... I think that is all for now.  Thanks for letting me share what is currently on my heart.  I hope to be back soon with some pictures of scrapbook layouts.  Stay tuned!