Saturday, July 9, 2011

camping out

Mark and Caleb had a guys' night out last night.  Mark took Caleb to a local baseball game, and then they camped out in our tent in the backyard.  Caleb has been so excited he can barely stand it.  They had quite a successful evening.  Caleb asked to play baseball outside with Daddy this morning.  So, they are out taking down the tent, and then they will play baseball for a little while.  I'm so glad Mark wants to do special things like this with the boys.  I'm so thankful for him.
Meanwhile, Micah and I had a night in.  I thought it would be low-key, but Micah tried getting into everything about 500 times and was very naughty.  Oh well.  I had a little me-time when he went to bed and that was really nice.
So, here we are on a Saturday morning trying to figure out what to do with the day.  I'm looking forward to a girls' cooking night at the lovely Jenelle's house tonight.  I suppose I should go round up some ingredients for a peach galette.  Is it wrong to bake something when I'm not sure how to pronounce it?  I hope not.  Anyway, that's all for now.  Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

letting go

I took Caleb to a friend's birthday party this morning and had the hardest time leaving him there.  Don't get me wrong - the birthday boy's parents are wonderful and just about as conservative as I am:)  Oh, and did I mention that they live next door?  I just have such a hard time letting other people watch my kids, even people I trust.  He is my precious gift from God, and I treasure every day with him.  I hate that he is growing up.  What I am going to do when kindergarten rolls around?  It's enough to make me want to homeschool him just to keep him home with me.  I am struggling right now with my parenting skills and feeling inadequate anyway.  I just keep worrying about him and the future. 
Anyway, these are probably the rantings of a crazy woman.  I'm sure he's fine.  At least if I want to check up on him, I can just peek out the window...