Saturday, January 29, 2011

in search of the perfect snowman

Oh my goodness.  I haven't made a snowman in probably 20 years, and I forgot how hard it is!  We were stir-crazy this afternoon, so Caleb and I went outside to play.  I pulled him around on the sled, and then we tried to make a snowman.  It was pathetic!  I thought if I just made a snowball and rolled it around the yard, it would grow by enormous proportions.  Ha!  I rolled that thing around for at least 10 minutes and it didn't grow at all.  And, of course, Caleb wasn't really helping much.  He didn't have a very long attention span when it came to rolling snowballs.  We finally gave up and used what we had to make a very short, squatty little snowman with a celery stalk for a nose.  It was not even 3 feet tall!  It was the saddest little snowman I have ever seen.  Oh well.  It was (kind of) a fun way to spend an afternoon with my boy.  So, if you drive by our house, slow down and pull out your binoculars, and you might see the little snowman by our front steps:)

1 comment:

  1. HA! That is great. Conditions have to be just right for a snowman, don't they? It IS hard!
